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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu comp.windows.x.intrinsics:622 comp.windows.x:61741 news.answers:4414
- Newsgroups: comp.windows.x.intrinsics,comp.windows.x,news.answers
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!usc!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!cis.ohio-state.edu!oboe.cis.ohio-state.edu!ware
- From: ware@oboe.cis.ohio-state.edu (Peter Ware)
- Subject: comp.windows.x.intrinsics Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Message-ID: <FAQ-Xt_723479548@oboe.cis.ohio-state.edu>
- Followup-To: comp.windows.x.intrinsics
- Summary: Answers about the X11 Window System widgets and Xt Intrinsics library
- Sender: news@cis.ohio-state.edu (NETnews )
- Supersedes: <FAQ-Xt_718402537@oboe.cis.ohio-state.edu>
- Reply-To: ware@cis.ohio-state.edu
- Organization: The Ohio State University Dept. of Computer and Info. Science
- Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1992 14:32:40 GMT
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: Fri, 15 Jan 1993 14:32:28 GMT
- Lines: 1347
- Archive-name: Xt-FAQ
- Version: $Id: FAQ-Xt,v 1.18 92/12/04 09:29:38 ware Exp $
- The X Toolkit Intrinsics F.A.Q
- A monthly posting
- This article contains the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions
- (FAQ) from comp.windows.x about the X Toolkit Intrinsics. To submit
- questions (preferably with an answer) send email to: ware@cis.ohio-state.edu
- All code fragments are public domain.
- Contents
- 0. Xt Glossary
- 1. Software Versions
- 2. Related FAQ's
- 3. Why does my application core dump when I use signals/alarms/cthreads?
- 4. How do I use a different visual than the default?
- 5. Which visual should an application use?
- 6. Why do only Shell widgets have a Visual?
- 7. Which visual, depth and colormap do Shells inherit?
- 8. I've done all the above and I still get a BadMatch error. Why?
- 9. Why doesn't my widget get destroyed when I call XtDestroyWidget()?
- 10. How do I exit but still execute the DestroyCallbacks?
- 11. How do I resize a Shell widget?
- 12. Why can't XtAppAddInput() handle files?
- 13. What good books and magazines are there on Xt?
- 14. What Widgets are available?
- 15. What alternatives to the Intrinsics are there?
- 16. How do I pass a float value to XtSetValues?
- 17. +++How do I write a resource converter?
- 18. How do I open multiple displays?
- 19. What changed from R3 to R4 to R5?
- 20. Where are the resources loaded from?
- 21. What order are callbacks executed in?
- 22. How do I know if a widget is visible?
- 23. How do I reparent a widget in Xt, i.e. XtReparentWidget()?
- 24. Why use XtMalloc, XtFree, etc?
- 25. How to debug an Xt application?
- The "+++" indicates the question needs more of an answer.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0. Xt Glossary
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- o The Xt Intrinsics implement an object oriented interface to C code
- to allow useful graphical components to be created. Included with
- this are classes that provide the base functionality: Object,
- RectObj, Core, Composite, Constraint, Shell, OverrideShell, WMShell,
- etc. The terms "Xt" and "Intrinsics" are used interchangeably,
- however, they are used very precisely to mean a specific library of the X
- window system. In particular, it does not include the Athena,
- Motif, OLIT or any other widget set. Without further widgets the
- Intrinsics are not especially useful.
- o A widget refers to a user interface abstraction created via Xt. The
- precise use, is any object that is a subclass of the Core class. It
- is used loosely to refer to anything that is a subclass of the
- Object class although these are more accurately called windowless
- widgets or gadgets.
- o Xlib is the C interface to the X11 protocol. It is one layer below
- the Xt Intrinsics. Typically a widget uses relatively few Xlib
- functions because Xt provides most such services although an
- understanding of Xlib helps with problems.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Software Versions
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The following are the latest versions of Xt based software:
- _____________________________________________________________
- Software Version Released Next Expected
- _____________________________________________________________
- X11R4 patch 18 (none)
- X11R5 patch 17 8/27/92 ??
- Athena Widgets (see X11R5)
- Motif 1.2.1 9/92 ??
- OLIT ?? ?? ??
- Xtra 2.5 6/15/92 ??
- Xw X11R4 (none)
- Xcu X11R5 (none)
- fwf 3.2 6/08/92 ??
- _____________________________________________________________
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2. Related FAQ's
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- David B. Lewis (uunet!craft!faq) maintains the FAQ on X. It
- is posted monthly on comp.windows.x and located on export in contrib/FAQ.
- Liam R. E. Quin (lee@sq.sq.com) posts an FAQ list on Open Look to
- comp.windows.x.
- Jan Newmarch (jan@pandonia.canberra.edu.au) posts an FAQ list on Motif
- to comp.windows.x.motif.
- Peter Ware (ware@cis.ohio-state.edu) posts an FAQ list for
- comp.windows.x.intrinsics; it is on export in contrib/FAQ-Xt.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3. Why does my application core dump when I use signals/alarms/cthreads?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- In brief, Xlib, Xt and most widget sets have no mutual exclusion for
- critical sections. Any interrupt handler is likely to leave one of
- the above libraries in an inconsistent state -- such as all the
- appropriate flags not yet set, dangling pointers, in the middle of a
- list traversal, etc. Note that the ANSI C standard points out that
- behavior of a signal handler is undefined if the signal handler calls
- any function other than signal() itself, so this is not a problem
- specific to Xlib and Xt; the POSIX specification mentions other
- functions which may be called safely but it may not be assumed that
- these functions are called by Xlib or Xt functions.
- The only safe way to deal with signals is to set a flag in the
- interrupt handler. This flag later needs to be checked either by a
- work procedure or a timeout callback. It is incorrect to add either
- of these in the interrupt handler. As another note, it is dangerous
- to add a work procedure that never finishes. This effectively
- preempts any work procedures previously added and so they will never
- be called. Another option is to open a pipe, tell the event loop
- about the read end using XtAppAddInput() and then the signal handler
- can write a byte to the write end of the pipe for each signal.
- However, this could deadlock your process if the pipe fills up.
- Why don't the Intrinsics deal with this problem? Primarily because it
- is supposed to be a portable layer to any hardware and operating
- system. Is that a good enough reason -- I don't think so.
- Note: the article in The X Journal 1:4 and the example in O'Reilly
- Volume 6 are in error.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4. How do I use a different visual than the default?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This requires a more complicated answer than it should. A window has
- three things that are visual specific -- the visual, colormap and
- border pixmap. All widgets have their own Colormap and BorderPixmap
- resource; only shell widgets have Visual resources (another questions
- deals with why shells have a Visual). The default value of these
- resources is CopyFromParent which does exactly what it says. In the
- shell widget CopyFromParent gets evalulated as DefaultVisualOfScreen
- and DefaultColormapOfScreen. When any one of the three resources is
- not properly set, a BadMatch error occurs when the window is
- created. They are not properly set because each of the values depends
- on the visual being used.
- How to get this to work? There are two parts to the answer. The
- first is if you want an application to start with a particular visual
- and the second is if you want a particular shell within an application
- to start with a different visual. The second is actually easier
- because the basic information you need is available. The first is a
- little harder because you'll need to initialize much of the toolkit
- yourself in order to determine the needed information.
- /*
- * Some sample code to start up an application using something other
- * than the default visual.
- *
- * To compile:
- * cc -g visual.c -o visual -lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lm
- *
- * To run:
- * ./visual -geometry 300x300 -visual StaticColor -fg blue -bg yellow
- *
- * you need to move the mouse to get the particular visuals colormap
- * to install.
- */
- #include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
- #include <X11/StringDefs.h>
- #include <X11/Shell.h>
- typedef struct
- {
- Visual *visual;
- } OptionsRec;
- OptionsRec Options;
- XtResource resources[] =
- {
- {"visual", "Visual", XtRVisual, sizeof (Visual *),
- XtOffsetOf (OptionsRec, visual), XtRImmediate, NULL},
- };
- XrmOptionDescRec Desc[] =
- {
- {"-visual", "*visual", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}
- };
- int
- main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- XtAppContext app; /* the application context */
- Widget top; /* toplevel widget */
- Display *dpy; /* display */
- char **xargv; /* saved argument vector */
- int xargc; /* saved argument count */
- Colormap colormap; /* created colormap */
- XVisualInfo vinfo; /* template for find visual */
- XVisualInfo *vinfo_list; /* returned list of visuals */
- int count; /* number of matchs (only 1?) */
- Arg args[10];
- Cardinal cnt;
- char *name = "test";
- char *class = "Test";
- /*
- * save the command line arguments
- */
- xargc = argc;
- xargv = (char **) XtMalloc (argc * sizeof (char *));
- bcopy ((char *) argv, (char *) xargv, argc * sizeof (char *));
- /*
- * The following creates a _dummy_ toplevel widget so we can
- * retrieve the appropriate visual resource.
- */
- cnt = 0;
- top = XtAppInitialize (&app, class, Desc, XtNumber (Desc), &argc, argv,
- (String *) NULL, args, cnt);
- dpy = XtDisplay (top);
- cnt = 0;
- XtGetApplicationResources (top, &Options, resources,
- XtNumber (resources),
- args, cnt);
- cnt = 0;
- if (Options.visual && Options.visual != DefaultVisualOfScreen (XtScreen (top)))
- {
- XtSetArg (args[cnt], XtNvisual, Options.visual); ++cnt;
- /*
- * Now we create an appropriate colormap. We could
- * use a default colormap based on the class of the
- * visual; we could examine some property on the
- * rootwindow to find the right colormap; we could
- * do all sorts of things...
- */
- colormap = XCreateColormap (dpy,
- RootWindowOfScreen (XtScreen (top)),
- Options.visual,
- AllocNone);
- XtSetArg (args[cnt], XtNcolormap, colormap); ++cnt;
- /*
- * Now find some information about the visual.
- */
- vinfo.visualid = XVisualIDFromVisual (Options.visual);
- vinfo_list = XGetVisualInfo (dpy, VisualIDMask, &vinfo, &count);
- if (vinfo_list && count > 0)
- {
- XtSetArg (args[cnt], XtNdepth, vinfo_list[0].depth);
- ++cnt;
- XFree ((XPointer) vinfo_list);
- }
- }
- XtDestroyWidget (top);
- /*
- * Now create the real toplevel widget.
- */
- XtSetArg (args[cnt], XtNargv, xargv); ++cnt;
- XtSetArg (args[cnt], XtNargc, xargc); ++cnt;
- top = XtAppCreateShell ((char *) NULL, class,
- applicationShellWidgetClass,
- dpy, args, cnt);
- /*
- * Display the application and loop handling all events.
- */
- XtRealizeWidget (top);
- XtAppMainLoop (app);
- return (0);
- }
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5. Which visual should an application use?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This is a point that can be argued about but one opinion is there is
- no way for an application to know the appropriate visual -- it has to
- be specified by the user. If you disagree with this then your
- application probably falls into the category of always using the
- default visual or it is hardware specific and expects some particular
- visual such as 24bit TrueColor with an OverlayPlane extension (or some
- such).
- Why? No application runs in isolation. Depending on the way a server
- allocates resources I may not always want your application to run in
- TrueColor mode if it is going to mess up my other applications. I may
- be very upset if it chooses to run in GreyScale instead of PsuedoColor
- or just monochrome.
- As an example, on a low end color Sun server there are many different
- possible visuals: monochrome, 256 entry colormap, static gray, static
- color, and a 3/3/2 TrueColor. The SGI Iris's offer all the above
- plus 12 bit TrueColor, 24 bit TrueColor, an Overlay Plane.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6. Why do only Shell widgets have a Visual?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This is strictly by convention. It makes it possible for an arbitrary
- widget to know that the visual it uses can be found by looking for the
- shell widget that is its ancestor and obtaining the visual of that
- shell.
- A widget can have its own visual resource. If it does, it must have
- its own realize method to use the visual when it calls
- XCreateWindow(). You should also make this a resource that can be
- obtained with XtGetValues() so other widgets can find it. A
- reasonable value is probably XtNvisual.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 7. Which visual, depth and colormap do Shells inherit?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The default value for these resources are set to CopyFromParent. This
- is interpreted as the DefaultColormapOfScreen(), DefaultDepthOfScreen()
- and the default visual of the screen if the widget has no parent -- i.e.
- it is an applicationShellWidgetClass and the root of your widget tree.
- If the parent of the widget is not null, then the shell copies
- colormap and depth from its parent and uses CopyFromParent as the
- visual.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 8. I've done all the above and I still get a BadMatch error. Why?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Some resource converters improperly cache references. This was
- especially true of X11R3 and earlier versions of Motif.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 9. Why doesn't my widget get destroyed when I call XtDestroyWidget()?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- See section 2.8 of the Xt specification.
- It eventually does get destroyed, just not immediately. The
- Intrinsics destroy a widget in a two-phase process. First it and all
- of its children have a flag set that indicate it is being destroyed.
- It is then put on a list of widgets to be destroyed. This way any
- pending X events or further references to that widget can be cleaned
- up before the memory is actually freed. The second phase is then
- performed after all callbacks, event handlers, and actions have
- completed, before checking for the next X event. At this point the
- list is traversed and each widget's memory is actually free()'d, among
- other things.
- As some further caveats/trivia, the widgets may be destroyed if the
- Intrinsics determine that they have no further references to the
- widgets on the list. If so, then the phase 2 destruction occurs
- immediately. Also, if nested event loops are used, widgets placed on
- the destroy list before entering the inner event loop are not
- destroyed until returning to the outer event loop.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 10. How do I exit but still execute the DestroyCallbacks?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The problem is if a simple and entirely reasonable approach to exiting
- an application is used, such as calling exit() directly, then a widget
- may not have a chance to clean up any external state -- such as open
- sockets, temporary files, allocated X resources, etc. (this code for
- simplicity reasons assumes only a single toplevel widget):
- Widget
- ToplevelGet (gw)
- Widget gw; /* widget to find toplevel */
- {
- Widget top;
- for (top = gw; XtParent (top); top = XtParent (top))
- /* empty */;
- return (top);
- }
- void
- ExitCallback (gw, closure, call_data)
- Widget gw; /* widget */
- XtPointer closure; /* data the app specified */
- XtPointer call_data; /* widget specific data */
- {
- Widget toplevel;
- toplevel = ToplevelGet (gw);
- XtUnmapWidget (toplevel); /* make it disappear quickly */
- XtDestroyWidget (toplevel);
- exit (0);
- }
- One can see that the above code exit's immediately after destroying
- the toplevel widget. The trouble is the phase 2 destruction may never
- occur.
- This works for most widgets and most applications but will not work
- for those widgets that have any external state. You might think that
- since it works now it will always work but remember that part of the
- reason an object oriented approach is used is so one can be ignorant
- of the implementation details for each widget. Which means that the
- widget may change and someday require that some external state is
- cleaned up by the Destroy callbacks.
- One alternative is to modify ExitCallback() to set a global flag and
- then test for that flag in a private event loop. However, private
- event loops are frowned upon because it tends to encourage sloppy, and
- difficult to maintain practices.
- Try the following code instead.
- #include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
- extern Widget ToplevelGet (
- #if NeedFunctionPrototypes
- Widget gw
- #endif
- );
- extern Boolean ExitWorkProc (
- #if NeedFunctionPrototypes
- XtPointer closure
- #endif
- );
- extern void ExitCallback (
- #if NeedFunctionPrototypes
- Widget gw,
- XtPointer closure,
- XtPointer call_data
- #endif
- );
- Widget
- ToplevelGet (gw)
- Widget gw; /* widget to find toplevel */
- {
- Widget top;
- for (top = gw; XtParent (top); top = XtParent (top))
- /* empty */;
- return (top);
- }
- void
- ExitCallback (gw, closure, call_data)
- Widget gw; /* widget */
- XtPointer closure; /* data the app specified */
- XtPointer call_data; /* widget specific data */
- {
- Widget toplevel;
- toplevel = ToplevelGet (gw);
- XtUnmapWidget (toplevel); /* make it disappear quickly */
- XtDestroyWidget (toplevel);
- XtAppAddWorkProc (XtWidgetToApplicationContext (gw),
- ExitWorkProc, (XtPointer) NULL);
- }
- Boolean
- ExitWorkProc (closure)
- XtPointer closure;
- {
- exit (0);
- }
- ExitCallback() adds a work procedure that will get called when the
- application is next idle -- which happens after all the events are
- processed and the destroy callbacks are executed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 11. How do I resize a Shell widget?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- After it is realized, one doesn't resize a Shell widget. The proper
- thing is to resize the currently managed child of the Shell widget
- using XtSetValues(). The geometry change is then propagated to the
- Shell which asks the window manager which may or may not allow the
- request. However, the Shell must have the resource
- XtNallowShellResize set to True otherwise it will not even ask the
- window manager to grant the request and the Shell will not resize.
- To change the position of a Shell, use XtSetValues() on the Shell, not
- the child, and within the limits of the window manager it should be granted.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 12. Why can't XtAppAddInput() handle files?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- It does, however Unix semantics for when I/O is ready for a file does
- not fit most peoples' intuitive model. In Unix terms a file
- descriptor is ready for reading whenever the read() call would not
- block, ignoring the setting of optional flags that indicate not to
- block. This works as expected for terminals, sockets and pipes. For
- a file the read() will always return but the return indicates an EOF
- -- i.e. no more data. The result is the code in the Intrinsics always
- calls the input handler because it always thinks something is about to
- be read. The culprit is the select() system call or on SYSV based
- OS's it is the poll() system call.
- How to get around this on a Unix system? The best approach is to use
- another process to check for available input on the file. Use a pipe
- to connect the application with this other process and pass the file
- descriptor from the pipe to XtAppAddInput(). A suitable program on
- BSD systems is "tail -f filename".
- It's rumored that select() on some systems is not _completely_
- reliable. In particular:
- - IBM AIX 3.1: this is one where it would work for a while
- (several thousand times) and then stop until some other
- event woke it up. This seemed to be the result of a race
- condition in the Kernel. IBM claims to have a fix for this.
- - Pyramid, doesn't work at all.
- - Ultrix (and possibly others where pipes are implemented as
- sockets), wasn't completely broken, but although the writing
- side wrote in 512 byte blocks the reading side received it
- all broken up as if it was being put into the pipe a byte at
- a time. You can waste a lot of time by reading small blocks
- (get raound it by detecting the situation and having
- select() ignore the pipe for 10 mseconds - by then it had
- been given the whole block).
- Note that all the above descriptions used Unix terminology such as
- read(), file descriptor, pipes, etc. This is an OS dependent area and
- may not be identical on all systems. However the Intrinsic designers
- felt it was a common enough operation that it should be included with
- part of the toolkit. Why they didn't also deal with signals at this
- point I don't know.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 13. What good books and magazines are there on Xt?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- I have a favorite that is the definitive reference. To my perspective
- it offers a reasonable introduction but also goes into the full
- details of the Intrinsics. When I started using it I was already
- familiar with Xt and the concepts behind it, so newcomers may or may
- not find it useful. I've always found it accurate and complete, which
- means its a 1000 pages.
- Asente, Paul J., and Swick, Ralph R., "X Window System Toolkit, The
- Complete Programmer's Guide and Specification", Digital Press,
- 1990, ISBN 1-55558-051-3, order number EY-E757E-DP; and by
- Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-972191-6. Also available through DEC
- Direct at 1-800-DIGITAL.
- The other book I commonly recomend to novices is:
- Young, Doug. "The X Window System: Applications and Programming with
- Xt (Motif Version)," Prentice Hall, 1989 (ISBN 0-13-497074-8).
- (ISBN 0-13-972167-3)
- And of course O'Reilly has an entire series of manuals on X and Xt.
- O'Reilly ordering is 800-998-9938. In particular, Volume 5 is an Xt
- reference done in manual page style. The 3rd edition is extensively
- overhauled and goes far beyond the MIT manual pages. I'm finding it
- very useful. In particular, the permutted index and references to
- other manual pages help a great deal in chasing down related
- information.
- I read two periodicals, "The X Resource" and the "The X Journal".
- These are the only two dealing specifically with X. "The X Resource"
- is published quarterly, by O'Reilly, with one of the issues being the
- MIT X Consortium Technical Conference Proceedings. There is no
- advertising. I've found it informative with pretty good depth. For
- orders, call 1-800-998-9938, or email cathyr@ora.com. For editorial
- matters, email adrian@ora.com. Table of contents are posted at
- math.utah.edu in ~ftp/pub/tex/bib in TeX form and on ftp.uu.net in
- ~ftp/published/oreilly/xresource in ASCII form.
- "The X Journal" is a bimonthly trade rag with lots of advertising.
- The articles are informative and oriented toward a less technical
- audience. I read it more to see what's going on then with an
- expectation of learning a great deal (but remember, I represent a
- fairly small percentage of people). Also, they have a pretty good
- collection of people on the advisory board and as columnists. Call
- (908) 563-9033.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 14. What Widgets are available?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- There are three popular widget sets:
- Athena - The set provided with X11. This is sufficient for most
- purposes but is on the ugly side. Recently, a 3d look is
- available for ftp on export.lcs.mit.edu:/contrib/Xaw3d.tar.Z.
- Motif - From OSF available for a license fee and commonly shipped on
- many workstation vendors platforms (almost everyone but
- Sun). It looks good and works well but personally I think
- it is poorly implemented.
- OLIT - The Open Look Intrinsics Toolkit is a set of widgets
- implementing Sun's Open Look specification. Developed by
- AT&T. I've never used it so can't comment on its quality.
- I've heard rumours that it is a pain to actually get.
- In addition the following collection of widgets are also available:
- Xtra - a library of widgets for sale from Graphical Software
- Technology (310-328-9338). It includes bar graph, stacked
- bar graph, line graph, pie chart, xy plot, hypertext, help,
- spreadsheet, and data entry form widgets. I've never seen
- them so I can't comment.
- FWF - The Free Widget Foundation is attempting to collect a set of
- freely available widgets. Included are a Pixmap editor,
- FileDialog, and a few others. The current set of widgets
- can be obtained via anonymous ftp from the machine
- a.cs.uiuc.edu ( in the file pub/fwf.shar.Z.
- Xcu - The Cornell University widgets from Gene Dykes. One of the
- early widget sets released. Provides a nice appearance for
- buttons and has a mini command language. Probably not so
- widely used.
- Xs - The Sony widget set. This was around during R3 days but
- seemed to disappear. It looked like it had promise.
- Xw - The HP widgets. The precursor to Motif. Originally written
- for R3 there exists diffs to get it to work under R4 & R5.
- Again, a pretty good widget set but has more or less died.
- The precursor to this was the Xray toolkit which was
- originally implemented for X10R4 and apparently provided
- much experience for the designers of Xt.
- Xo - A widget set I'm working on. It's still primitive but you
- can give it a try in archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:pub/Xo/*
- The following specialized widgets are also available:
- Tbl - Implements a tabular layout of widgets. Supports Motif
- widgets as children. Part of Wcl.
- Plots - The Athena Plotting widgets (not the Athena widgets).
- Contact gnb@bby.oz.au or joe@Athena.MIT.EDU.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 15. What alternatives to the Intrinsics are there?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- __________________________________________
- Name Language Vendor
- __________________________________________
- Xview C Sun
- OI C++ ParcPlace
- Interviews C++ Stanford
- __________________________________________
- However much I like C and admire the skill in both designing and
- implementing the Intrinsics, hopefully some alternative will develop
- in the next 3-5 years that uses an object oriented language. Keep
- your eyes open and expect some change about the same time a language
- other than C _starts_ gaining acceptance.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 16. How do I pass a float value to XtSetValues?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- First, what is going wrong is the structure for an Arg is (essentially)
- typdef struct
- {
- String name;
- long value;
- } Arg;
- and the code:
- Arg arg;
- XtSetArg (arg, "name", 3.2)
- expands to
- Arg arg;
- arg.name = "name";
- arg.value = 3.2;
- you can see that with normal C type conversions, the arg.value
- gets the integer "3" instead of the floating point value "3.2". When
- the value is copied into the widget resource, the bit pattern is
- wildly different than that required for a floating point value. So,
- how to get around this?
- The following macro is from the Athena widgets document and I am now
- recomending it over the previous suggestions.
- #define XtSetFloatArg(arg, n, d) \
- if (sizeof(float) > sizeof(XtArgVal)) { \
- XtSetArg(arg, n, &(d)); \
- } else { \
- XtArgVal *ld = (XtArgVal *)&(d); \
- XtSetArg(arg, n, *ld); \
- }
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17. +++How do I write a resource converter?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- See section 9.6 of the Xt specification, and/or, start with a
- previously written resource converter, and modify it.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 18. How do I open multiple displays?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- See "Multi-user Application Software Using Xt", The X Resource, Issue 3,
- (Summer 1992) by Oliver Jones for a complete coverage of the issues
- involved. Most of this answer is based on that article. In a
- nutshell, one uses XtOpenDisplay() to add each display to a _single_
- application context and then XtCloseDisplay() to shutdown each display
- and remove it from the application context.
- The real problems occur when trying to close down a display. This can
- happen 3 ways:
- 1. User selects a "quit" button on one of the displays,
- 2. User has window manager send a WM_DELETE_WINDOW message,
- 3. Server disconnect -- possibly from a KillClient message,
- server shutdown/crash, or network failure.
- I'll assume you can deal gracefully with 1 & 2 since it is _merely_ a
- problem of translating a Widget to a display and removing that
- display. If not, then read the Oliver Jones article.
- The third one is difficult to handle. The following is based on the
- Oliver Jones article and I include it here because it is a difficult
- problem.
- The difficulty arises because the Xlib design presumed that an I/O
- error is always unrecoverable and so fatal. This is essentially true
- for a single display X based application, but not true for a
- multiple display program or an application that does things other than
- display information on an X server. When an X I/O error occurs the
- I/O error handler is called and _if_ it returns then an exit()
- happens. The only way around this is to use setjmp/longjmp to avoid
- returning to the I/O error handler. The following code fragment
- demonstrates this:
- #include <setjmp.h>
- jmp_buf XIOrecover;
- void
- XIOHandler (dpy)
- Display *dpy;
- {
- destroyDisplay (dpy);
- longjmp (XIOrecover, 1);
- }
- main ()
- {
- ...
- if (setjmp (XIOrecover) == 0)
- XSetIOErrorHandler (XIOHandler);
- XtAppMainLoop (app_context);
- }
- The destroyDisplay() is something that given a Display pointer can go
- back to the application specific data and perform any necessary
- cleanup. It should also call XtCloseDisplay().
- For those of you unfamiliar with setjmp/longjmp, when setjmp() is
- first called it returns a 0 and save's enough information in the
- jmp_buf that a latter execution of longjmp() can return the program to
- the same state as if the setjmp() was just executed. The return value
- of this second setjmp() is the value of the second argument to
- longjmp(). There are several caveats about using these but for this
- purpose it is adequate.
- Some other problems you might run into are resource converters that
- improperly cache resources. The most likely symptoms are Xlib errors
- such as BadColor, BadAtom, or BadFont. There may be problems with the
- total number of displays you can open since typically only a limited
- number of file descriptors are available with 32 being a typical
- value. You may also run into authorization problems when trying to
- connect to a display.
- There was much discussion in comp.windows.x about this topic in
- November of 91. Robert Scheifler posted an article which basically
- said this is the way it will be and Xlib will not change.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 19. What changed from R3 to R4 to R5?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This addresses only changes in the Intrinsics. First, the general
- changes for each release are described. Then a, certainly incomplete,
- list of new functions added and others that are now deprecated are
- listed. Brevity is a primary goal.
- Much of the following information is retrieved from Chapter 13 of the MIT
- Xt Intrinsics Manual and from O'Reilly Volume 5, 3rd edition.
- From R3 to R4
- - Addition of gadgets (windowless widgets)
- - New resource type converter interface to handle cacheing and
- additional data.
- - Variable argument list interface.
- - #define XtSpecificationRelease 4 (added with this release)
- - WMShellPart, TopLevelShellPart & TransientShellPart changed
- incompatibly.
- - core.initialize, core.set_values added ArgList and count parameters
- - event handlers had continue_to_dispatch parameter added
- - core.set_values_almost specification changed.
- - core.compress_exposure changed to an enumerated data type from Boolean
- - core.class_inited changed to enumerated data type from Boolean
- - constraint.get_values_hook added to extension record
- - core.initialize_hook obsolete as info is passed to core.initialize
- - shell.root_geometry_manager added to extension record
- - core.set_values_hook obsolete as info is passed to core.set_values
- - Calling XtQueryGeometry() must store complete geometry.
- - Added UnrealizeCallback.
- - XtTranslateCoords() actually works under R4.
- From R4 to R5:
- - Psuedo resource baseTranslation added.
- - Searching for app-default, and other files, made more flexible
- - customization resource added.
- - Per-screen resource database.
- - Support permanently allocated strings.
- - Permanetly allocated strings required for several class fields.
- - The args argument to XtAppInitialize, XtVaAppInitialize,
- XtOpenDisplay, XtDisplayInitialize, and XtInitialize were changed
- from Cardinal* to int*
- - Many performance improvements (this is summarized from the article
- "Xt Performance Improvements in Release 5" by Gabe Beged-Dov in "The
- X Resource", Issue 3):
- - XrmStringToQuark() augmented with XrmPermStringToQuark() to
- avoid string copies. Several fields in the class record are
- indicated as needing permanent strings.
- - Using an array of Strings for resources
- - Callback lists redesigned to use less memory
- - Translation manager redesigned and rewritten so it takes
- less memory, translation tables merges are faster, cache of
- action bindings
- - Keycode to Keysyms are cached.
- - Better sharing of GC's with modifiable fields
- - Window to Widget translation uses less space and faster
- - Does not malloc space for widget name since quark is available
- - Widget space is allocated to include the constraints
- - Over several example programs, about a 26% reduction in
- memory usage.
- Functions new with R5:
- ----------------------
- XtAllocateGC() - sharable GC with modifiable fields
- XtGetActionList() - get the action table of a class
- XtScreenDatabase() - return resource database for a screen
- XtSetLanguageProc() - register language procedure called to set locale
- Functions new with R4:
- ----------------------
- XtAppAddActionHook() - procedure to call before _every_ action.
- XtAppInitialize() - lots of initialization work.
- XtAppReleaseCacheRefs() - decrement cache reference count for converter
- XtAppSetFallbackResources() - specify default resources
- XtAppSetTypeConverter() - register a new style converter
- XtCallCallbackList() - directly execute a callback list
- XtCallConverter () - invoke a new style converter
- XtCallbackReleaseCacheRef() - release a cached resource value
- XtCallbackReleaseCacheRefList() - release a list of cached resource values
- XtConvertAndStore() - find and call a resource converter
- XtDirectConvert() - Invoke old-style converter
- XtDisplayOfObject() - Return the display
- XtDisplayStringConversionWarning() - issue a warning about conversion
- XtFindFile() - Find a file
- XtGetActionKeysym() - Retrieve keysym & modifies for this action
- XtGetApplicationNameAndClass() - return name and class
- XtGetConstraintResourceList() - get constraints for a widget
- XtGetKeysymTable() - return keycode-to-keysym mapping table
- XtGetMultiClickTime() - read the multi-click time
- XtGetSelectionRequest() - retrieve the SelectionRequest event
- XtGetSelectionValueIncremental() - obtain the selection value incrementally
- XtGetSelectionValuesIncremental() - obtain the selection value incrementally
- XtInitializeWidgetClass() - initialize a widget class manually
- XtInsertEventHanlder() - register event handler before/after others
- XtInsertRawEventHandler() - register event handler without modify input mask
- XtIsObject() - test if subclass of Object
- XtIsRectObj() - test if subclass of RectObj
- XtKeysymToKeyCodeList() - return list of keycodes
- XtLastTimestampProcessed() - retrieve most recent event time
- XtMenuPopdown - Action for popping down a widget
- XtMenuPopup - Action for popping up a widget
- XtOffsetOf - macro for structure offsets
- XtOwnSelectionIncremental() - make selection data availabe incrementally
- XtPoupSpringLoaded() - map a spring-loaded popup
- XtRegisterGrabAction() - indicate action procedure needs a passive grab
- XtRemoveActiohHook() - remove function called after every action
- XtResolvePathname() - find a file
- XtScreenOfObject() - return screen of object.
- XtSetMultiClickTime() - set the multi-click time
- XtSetWMColormapWindows() - set WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS for custom colormaps
- XtUngrabButton() - cancel a passive button grab
- XtUngrabKey() - cancel a passive key grab
- XtUngrabKeybard() - release an active keyboard grab
- XtUngrabPointer() - release an active pointer grab
- XtVa*() - varags interfaces to a bunch of functions
- XtWindowOfObject() - return Window of nearest widget ancestor
- Deprecated Replacement When
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- XtAddActions() XtAppAddActions() R3
- XtAddConverter() XtAppAddConverter() R3
- XtAddInput() XtAppAddInput () R3
- XtAddTimeout() XtAppAddTimeout() R3
- XtAddWorkProc() XtAppAddWorkProc() R3
- XtConvert() XtConvertAndStore() R4
- XtCreateApplicationShell XtAppCreateShell() R3
- XtDestroyGC() XtReleaseGC() R3
- XtError() XtAppError() R3
- XtGetErrorDatabase() XtAppGetErrorDatabase R3
- XtGetErrorDatabaseText() XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText R3
- XtGetSelectionTimeout() XtAppGetSelectionTimeout R3
- XtInitialize() XtAppInitialize() R3
- XtMainLoop() XtAppMainLoop() R3
- MenuPopdown(action) XtMenuPopdown(action) R4
- MenuPopup(action) XtMenuPopup(action) R4
- XtNextEvent() XtAppNextEvent() R3
- XtPeekEvent() XtAppPeekEvent() R3
- XtPending() XtAppPending() R3
- XtSetErrorHandler() XtAppSetErrorHandler() R3
- XtSetErrorMsgHandler XtAppSetErrorMsgHandler() R3
- XtSetSelectionTimeout() XtAppSetSelectionTimeout() R3
- XtSetWarningHandler() XtAppSetWarningHandler() R3
- XtSetWarningMsgHandler() XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler() R3
- XtWarning() XtAppWarning() R3
- XtWarningMsg() XtAppWarningMsg() R3
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 20. Where are the resources loaded from?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The resources of a widget are filled in from the following places
- (from highest priority to lowest priority):
- 1. Args passed at creation time.
- 2. Command line arguments.
- 3. User's per host defaults file
- 4. User's defaults file.
- 5. User's per application default file.
- 6. System wide per application default file.
- Note that 2-6 are read only once on application startup. The result
- of steps 3-6 is a single resource database used for further queries.
- The per host defaults file contains customizations for all
- applications executing on a specific computer. This file is either
- specified with the XENVIRONMENT environment variable or if that is not
- set then the file $HOME/.Xdefaults-<host> is used.
- The user defaults file is either obtained from the RESOURCE_MANAGER
- property on the root window of the display or if that is not set then
- the file $HOME/.Xdefaults is used. Typically, the program "xrdb" is
- used to set the RESOURCE_MANAGER property. Please note that this
- should be kept relatively small as each client that connects to the
- display must transfer the property. A size of around 1-3KByte is
- reasonable. Some toolkits may track changes to the RESOURCE_MANAGER
- but most do not.
- A user may have many per application default files containing
- customizations specific to each application. The intrinsics are quite
- flexible on how this file is found. Read the next part that describes
- the various environment variables and how they effect where this file
- is found.
- The system wide per application default files are typically found in
- /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults. If such a file is not found then the
- fallback resources are used. The intrinsics are quite flexible on how
- this file is found. Read the next part that describes the various
- environment variables and how they effect where this file is found.
- [Thanks to Oliver Jones (oj@pictel.com) for the following, 6/92]
- You can use several environment variables to control how resources are
- loaded for your Xt-based programs -- XFILESEARCHPATH,
- XUSERFILESEARCHPATH, and XAPPLRESDIR. These environment variables
- control where Xt looks for application-defaults files as an
- application is initializing. Xt loads at most one app-defaults file
- from the path defined in XFILESEARCHPATH and another from the path
- Set XFILESEARCHPATH if software is installed on your system in such a
- way that app-defaults files appear in several different directory
- hierarchies. Suppose, for example, that you are running Sun's Open
- Windows, and you also have some R4 X applications installed in
- /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults. You could set a value like this for
- XFILESEARCHPATH, and it would cause Xt to look up app-defaults files
- in both /usr/lib/X11 and /usr/openwin/lib (or wherever your
- OPENWINHOME is located):
- setenv XFILESEARCHPATH /usr/lib/X11/%T/%N:$OPENWINHOME/lib/%T/%N
- The value of this environment variable is a colon-separated list of
- pathnames. The pathnames contain replacement characters as follows
- (see XtResolvePathname()):
- %N The value of the filename parameter, or the
- application's class name.
- %T The value of the file "type". In this case, the
- literal string "app-defaults"
- %C customization resource (R5 only)
- %S Suffix. None for app-defaults.
- %L Language, locale, and codeset (e.g. "ja_JP.EUC")
- %l Language part of %L (e.g. "ja")
- %t The territory part of the display's language string
- %c The codeset part of the display's language string
- Let's take apart the example. Suppose the application's class name is
- "Myterm". Also, suppose Open Windows is installed in /usr/openwin.
- (Notice the example omits locale-specific lookup.)
- /usr/lib/X11/%T/%N means /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Myterm
- $OPENWINHOME/lib/%T/%N means /usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults/Myterm
- As the application initializes, Xt tries to open both of the above
- app-defaults files, in the order shown. As soon as it finds one, it
- reads it and uses it, and stops looking for others. The effect of
- this path is to search first in /usr/lib/X11, then in /usr/openwin.
- Let's consider another example. This time, let's set
- XUSERFILESEARCHPATH so it looks for the file Myterm.ad in the current
- working directory, then for Myterm in the directory ~/app-defaults.
- setenv XUSERFILESEARCHPATH ./%N.ad:$HOME/app-defaults/%N
- The first path in the list expands to ./Myterm.ad. The second expands
- to $HOME/app-defaults/Myterm. This is a convenient setting for
- debugging because it follows the Imake convention of naming the
- app-defaults file Myterm.ad in the application's source directory, so
- you can run the application from the directory in which you are
- working and still have the resources loaded properly.
- NOTE: when looking for app-default files with XUSERFILESEARCHPATH,
- for some bizarre reason, neither the type nor file suffix is
- defined so %T and %S are useless.
- With R5, there's another twist. You may specify a customization
- resource value. For example, you might run the "myterm" application
- like this:
- myterm -xrm "*customization: -color"
- If one of your pathname specifications had the value
- "/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/%N%C" then the expanded pathname would be
- "/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Myterm-color" because the %C substitution
- character takes on the value of the customization resource.
- The default XFILESEARCHPATH, compiled into Xt, is:
- /usr/lib/X11/%L/%T/%N%C:\ (R5)
- /usr/lib/X11/%l/%T/%N%C:\ (R5)
- /usr/lib/X11/%T/%N%C:\ (R5)
- /usr/lib/X11/%L/%T/%N:\
- /usr/lib/X11/%l/%T/%N:\
- /usr/lib/X11/%T/%N
- (Note: some sites replace /usr/lib/X11 with a ProjectRoot in this
- batch of default settings.)
- The default XUSERFILESEARCHPATH, also compiled into Xt, is
- <root>/%L/%N%C:\ (R5)
- <root>/%l/%N%C:\ (R5)
- <root>/%N%C:\ (R5)
- <root>/%L/%N:\
- <root>/%l/%N:\
- <root>/%N:
- <root> is either the value of XAPPLRESDIR or the user's home directory
- if XAPPLRESDIR is not set. If you set XUSERFILESEARCHPATH to some
- value other than the default, Xt ignores XAPPLRESDIR altogether.
- Notice that the quick and dirty way of making your application find
- your app-defaults file in your current working directory is to set
- XAPPLRESDIR to ".", a single dot. In R3, all this machinery worked
- differently; for R3 compatibilty, many people set their XAPPLRESDIR
- value to "./", a dot followed by a slash.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 21. What order are callbacks executed in?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- (Courtesy of Donna Converse, converse@expo.lcs.mit.edu; 5/10/92)
- The Intrinsics library do not guarantee an order. This is because
- both the widget writer and the application writer have the ability to
- modify the entire contents of the callback list. Neither one
- currently knows what the other is doing and so the Intrinsics cannot
- guarantee the order of execution.
- The application programmer cannot rely on the widget writer; the
- widget writer is not required to document when the widget will add and
- remove callbacks from the list or what effect this will have;
- therefore the functionality contained in a callback should be
- independent of the functionality contained in other callbacks on the
- list.
- Even though the Xt standard in the definition of XtAddCallback
- says:
- "callback_name: Specifies the callback list to which the
- procedure is to be appended."
- you may not infer from the word "appended" that the callback routines
- are called in the same order as they have been added to the callback
- list.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 22. How do I know if a widget is visible?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- (Courtesy of Donna Converse, converse@expo.lcs.mit.edu; 5/14/92)
- > I am building a widget needs to know if it is visible. I set the visible
- > interest field in Core and if my window is completely obscured, the Core
- > visible flag goes FALSE. However, if my window is iconified, the flag
- > stays set to TRUE.
- Right, everything is implemented correctly. This demonstrates a "deficiency"
- in the X protocol, and the Core widget is reflecting the capabilities of the
- protocol. (The "deficiency" is that the information is available in one way,
- in this case an inconvenient way.) The Xt specification is accurate, in
- the second and third paragraphs of section 7.10.2, so read this section
- carefully. The visible field will not change in response to iconification.
- A VisibilityNotify event will not be received when the window goes from
- viewable to unviewable, that is, when the widget or an ancestor is unmapped;
- that is, when iconification occurs. This is the protocol deficiency.
- Visibility state and viewable state have specific meanings in the X protocol;
- see the glossary in your Xlib and X protocol reference manual.
- > Is this a problem with "mwm" or is there something
- > else which needs to be done?
- You'll see this with any window manager, with no window manager.
- > If the problem is "mwm", what is the fastest
- > way to determine if a window is iconified?
- As an application writer, keep track with a global Boolean in an action
- routine with translations for MapNotify and UnmapNotify on the Shell widget
- which contains your custom widget. As the custom widget writer, see the
- map_state field returned by a call to XGetWindowAttributes. These are
- suggestions.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 23. How do I reparent a widget in Xt, i.e. XtReparentWidget()?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- You can't.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 24. Why use XtMalloc, XtFree, etc?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Unfortunately, most code that calls malloc(), realloc() or calloc()
- tends to ignore the possibility of returning NULL. At best it is
- handled something like:
- ptr = (type *) malloc (sizeof (type))
- if (!ptr)
- {
- perror ("malloc in xyzzy()");
- exit (1)
- }
- To handle this common case the Intrinsics define the functions
- XtMalloc(), XtCalloc(), XtNew(), XtNewString() and XtRealloc() which
- all use the standard C language functions malloc(), calloc() and
- realloc() but execute XtErrorMsg() if a NULL value is returned. Xt
- error handlers are not supposed to return so this effectively exits.
- In addition, if XtRealloc() is called with a NULL pointer, it uses
- XtMalloc() to get the initial space. This allows code like:
- if (!ptr)
- ptr = (type *) malloc (sizeof (type));
- else
- ptr = (type *) realloc (ptr, sizeof (type) * (count + 1));
- ++count;
- to be written as:
- ptr = XtRealloc (ptr, sizeof (ptr) * ++count);
- Also, XtFree() accepts a NULL pointer as an argument. Generally, I've
- found the Xt functions conveniant to use. However, anytime I'm
- allocating anything potentially large I use the standard functions so
- I can fully recover from not enough memory errors.
- XtNew() and XtNewString() are conveniant macros for allocating a
- structure or copying a string:
- struct abc *xyzzy;
- char *ptr;
- char *str = "abcdef";
- xyzzy = XtNew (struct abc); /* takes care of type casting */
- ptr = XtNewString (str);
- Just to emphasize this, the Xt memory allocators are required to be
- compatible and so interchangeable with the standard C library memory
- allocators.
- A common error for Motif programmers is to use XtFree() on a string
- when they should really be using XmStringFree().
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 25. How to debug an Xt application?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- First, I'd recomend getting "purify" from Pure Software. This is a
- great package for tracing memory problems on Sun's. It's a bit pricey
- at $2750 but I'd still recomend it. Excuse the marketing blurb
- (contact support@pure.com for more info).
- Purify inserts additional checking instructions directly into
- the object code produced by existing compilers. These
- instructions check every memory read and write performed by
- the program under test and detect several types of access
- errors, such as reading unitialized memory, writing past
- malloc'd bounds, or writing to freed memory. Purify inserts
- checking logic into all of the code in a program, including
- third party and vendor object-code libraries, and verifies
- system call interfaces. In addition, Purify tracks memory
- usage and identifies individual memory leaks using a novel
- adaption of garbage collection techniques. Purify's nearly
- comprehensive memory access checking slows the target program
- down typically by a factor of two to five.
- An alternative package that isn't as pricey ($395 for a Sun), runs on
- many Unix's and has pretty similar features is "The SENTINEL Debugging
- Environment". This replaces malloc() and several other C library
- functions to add additional checks. (contact cpcahil@virtech.vti.com
- for more info)
- Next, if you are getting any sort of Xlib error, you'll need to run in
- synchronous mode, easily accompished with the "-sync" command line
- argument or by setting the variable Xdebug to 1 with your debugger. Then
- set a break point in exit(). This will let you trace back to the
- original Xlib function being called. If you don't run in synchronous
- mode, then the actual error may have occured any number of calls to
- Xlib previously since the Xlib calls are buffered and replies from the
- server are asynchronous.
- Next, if you are having trouble with window layout, you can use the
- undocumented resource "xtIdentifyWindows" or the class resource
- "XtDebug" to cause the widget name to be identified with each window.
- For example:
- example% xload -xrm '*XtDebug:true' &
- example% xwininfo -tree
- <click in new xload window>
- will give the normal information but the widget name and class of each
- window is included. This can help for checking the location and size
- of errant widgets.
- Next, if you are having trouble with geometry managers or you want to
- test the way a widget manages it's children, you can try
- export.lcs.mit.edu:contrib/libXtGeo.tar.Z. This acts as a filter
- between any children and a geometry manager and checks the behaviour
- of both. It's a very clever idea.
- The most unfortunate problem is debugging a callback while the
- application is executing a grab of the keyboard or mouse (such as from
- a pulldown menu). The server effectively locks up and you'll need to
- go to another machine and kill the debugger manually. The server
- locks up because the application being debugged has said no one else
- can have access to the keyboard but the application is not stopped
- waiting because the debugger is waiting for your commands.
- Unfortunately you can't give them because all the input is going to
- your application which is stopped.
- The best way to debug this kind of problem is with two machines on
- your desk, running the program under a debugger (or other environment)
- on one machine, and running the application on the other, possibly
- using a command sequence like this:
- othermachine% xhost +thismachine
- thismachine% setenv DISPLAY othermachine:0;
- thismachine% gdb application # Your favorite debugger.
- or this:
- othermachine% xhost +thismachine
- thismachine% gdb application
- (gdb) set environment DISPLAY othermachine:0
- (gdb) run ...
- I believe CodeCenter, a C interpreter/graphical debugger has a method
- of dealing with this by explicitely calling the Xlib functions to
- release any grabs during breakpoints.
- Debugging widget problems requires pretty good debugging skills and
- knowledge of how widgets work. You can go a long way without knowing
- the internals of a particular widget but not very far without
- understanding how a widget works. Judicious use of conditional
- breakpoints and adding print statements with the debugger help a great
- deal.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 26. Why don't XtAddInput(), XtAddTimeout() and XtAddWorkProc() work?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- I have got a delicate problem with the three routines XtAddInput,
- XtAddTimeOut and XtAddWorkProc. The problem I have is that when
- I use them in my application they seem not to be registred properly.
- I have made a handy little testprogram where everything works
- perfect, but in my "real" application nothing happens.
- The introduction in R3 of the XtApp*() functions obsoleted those
- routines. What happens is they use a default application context
- different then the one you may have created. Since events and
- timeouts are distributed on a per application context basis and you
- are using two application contexts, you won't get those events.
- For example:
- ...
- cnt = 0;
- toplevel = XtAppInitialize(&app, class,
- Desc, XtNumber (Desc),
- &argc, argv,
- Fallback, args, cnt);
- XtAddTimeOut (...)
- XtAddWorkProc (...)
- XtAppMainLoop (app)
- would never invoke the timeout.
- --
- Pete Ware / Ohio State University / 228 Bolz Hall (614) 292-7318
- ware@cis.ohio-state.edu 2036 Neil Ave.
- (h) (614) 538-0965 Columbus, OH 43210
- Welcome William Patrick Ware to the world! Born 10/21/92, 8lbs 6.2oz (3.83kg)